BE the Human your Horse wants you to BE 

Do you want to be the best human for your horse? Do you want to bring your relationship to the next level?

You really are the kind of person that wants the best for your horse.

You read articles and watch training videos. You buy the best feed, supplements and supplies. You take riding lessons and send your horses to trainers. You have the vet and farrier keep them in good physical health and you make sure that they have the best daily care possible. Your tack bucket is filled with liniments, ointments, fly sprays, shampoos, conditioners, all different kinds of brushes for all different places, wraps, horse treats – you name it, it’s in there.

But, there’s still something that doesn’t feel quite right.  You feel like there’s something more you could be doing to improve your relationship and your time at the barn.  And you’re right, but it’s not about buying more stuff or getting your heels down further.  It’s about something internal.  It’s about understanding yourself in order to be the best human for your horse.

Horses don’t only carry our bodies when we’re riding them; they also carry our emotions, our energy, our moods, our thoughts, our judgment, our desires and our fears. They carry the day we’ve been having so far and the day that we’re going to have when we leave. They carry our triumphs as well as our failures from the days, weeks and years that we’ve already had and the hopes and dreams for our years to come. Humans are complicated animals
and our horses are just trying to do their best to understand us and learn how to carry the plethora of things that we carry with us all day, everyday.

Their very survival as a species is dependent on this acute awareness of their environment, their herd mates, and the safety of their surroundings, so it’s no wonder they’re incredibly adept at picking up the subtleties and nuances of their human beings.  We humans aren’t so good at this.  We put a lot of pressure on our horses to be good, to be consistent, to be aware of their bodies and their space and to go against their very natures in many circumstances, but we often fall short when it comes to looking at ourselves.  Honestly taking the time and understanding how WHAT is going on with us, might be contributing to a bad, frustrating or inconsistent ride or training
session with our horses.

And even more importantly, how we can have more awareness around and more control over our thoughts, moods, feelings and behaviors in order to intentionally set ourselves and our horses up for more happiness and success with each other.  Bringing more awareness to self and taking responsibility for our part of the partnership will go a long way towards bettering the relationship with our horses, which directly relates to how we ride and how enjoyable the time is.

We give them the best care, the best feed, the best life that we can, but the greatest gift we can give, is learning how we can be the best humans for our horses.

While everything you do for your horse is important, understanding YOURSELF is key to enhancing the relationship with your equine partners.

In this program, you will see how you can develop a whole new level of connection and awareness with your horses by understanding some basic things about yourself, your energy, intentions and attitudes.  And you will learn  concrete tools that to use that pertain to each of the following topics:

  • The Self Judgment Trap (and why our horses hate it)

  • Mind/Body Connection

  • The Mindfulness Triangle (Intention, Attention, Attitude)

  • The Downfalls of Mulitasking

  • Energy Awareness (physical, emotional)

  • Internal and External Awareness

  • Alignment of Head, Heart and Gut

Focus Themes

  • Working with intention, attention and attitude – YOUR OWN

  • Scientific research about nervous system regulation, why we can think more clearly after spending time at the barn and how we can use this tool to build better equine partnerships

  • The role of oxytocin, “the tend and befriend” hormone and why we feel so good when we let ourselves just be with our horses

  • How you can align our head, heart and gut to develop increased communication skills with your horses

  • Accessing your own inner wisdom and guidance in enhancing your relationship and well-being of your horses